For the past month or so, my routine has been:
Wednesday and Thursday- go to work, Thursday night guild meeting if I have time
Friday- pick any veggies or berries off the garden, water flowers, pack for the weekend at the lake.
Saturday, Sunday, Monday- enjoy the weekend at the cottage.
Tuesday- come home and do laundry, pick stuff off the garden, water flowers, do any housework.
Then start all over again with going to work for 2 days.
I haven't been quilting much at all for customers, although there are a couple of them I should think of starting soon!
I have started another quilt project of my own, a Grandmother's Flower Garden. It has been a great take-along project and I'm enjoying it so much.
This is the fabric that inspired me.
I found the hexagons patterns on a website with free graph paper. is a really cool site, I will be using it alot!
Then I printed some sheets of hexagons onto 8"x11" sticky label paper.
After I cut out the hexagons, I peeled and stuck them to my fabric, 6 petals and one center of a different colour.
Then I cut around them about 3/8".
Next I basted down the corners, taking an extra little stitch in the corner itself and then a traveling stitch to get to the next corner. Note: I did NOT go through the sticky label paper to the other side.

Then, I proceeded to stitch each petal to the flower center. I don't know if it was necessary, but I always placed a straight grain against a bias edge, just to give it extra stability. It doesn't work out for the sections in between the petals.
Once all the petals were secured to the center, then I stitched in between the petals one at a time.
Here is how the flowers look in relation to the focus fabric.
I may make some flowers out of the floral fabric as well, and see how that looks.
I also plan to make some white daisies.
I will use the multi-green fabric and join the flowers in the variety of greens, resembling leaves.
I don't know how big this quilt will be, all I know is that I still have alot more flowers to make! I hope summer lasts a long time!
Hope you're all having a good one!