Here is a photo of a scrap quilt by Olga S. Scraps are her signature. She loves them! Her daughter said "Mom, this is you!" Olga chose one of my simplest designs, as she likes to use the fluffier poly batting, and most pantographs are just too dense for that type of batting.
This quilt is unique in the way that it was constructed simultaneously along with another quilt! Some people use bits of fabric to start and end their piecing, so the threads don't get sucked down into the bobbin case, but instead of wasting her thread on that, she pieced together her squares in between steps of piecing another quilt top! How clever! You have to be pretty organized to do this, I don't know if I will ever be that capable!
A friend, Donna, recently shared an awesome website she found on the internet belonging to Bonnie Hunter, another Queen of scrap quilting. Here is the link: http://www.quiltville.com/ . Bonnie shares alot of great info on how to organize and use up your scraps, and there are a ton of free patterns as well. It's worth the browse!
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