I don't think I've every blogged about my Bailey Quilt. Bailey is my 14-year-old Border Collie who has been a part of our family since she was 6 weeks old. I'd always wanted to make a quilt of her.
I June of 2008, I participated in a Quilting Workshop featuring Ruth McDowell's quilting methods. I used a favorite photo of Bailey, and punched it up with some colourful fabrics. I finally finished the quilt last September, in time for our local quilt show.
In all, I'm quite happy with the way it turned out, and the colours I used, but now I can see where I should've spent abit more time blending in the seam lines. I would love to explore this technique more! It is so unique to each individual. You make your own pattern! How cool is that!
Great quilt! I love boarder collies. My grandparents were on a farm and the dog constantly 'herded' me. He knew where I should and should not go!
A suggestion. The dog's eyes can be highlighted with lighter thread or a judicious dab of paint. Take a look at the photo, blow it up and don't be aftaid to work on it.
I think you will like it even better!
Thanks, Vivian! I do see what you mean, they eyes do look abit dark. I guess I am afraid to do too much to the eyes, as I don't want to mess with the clever way I used the paisley fabric to represent them. Do you mean the actual pupil, or the whole almond shape of the eye?
Phenomenal! That looks awesome and your quilting just puts that finishing touch on it too.... you are soooo artistic!
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